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Re: CC-based proposal (was FDL: no news?)

<Four of them (with NonCommercial or NoDerivatives elements) are clearly
<not intended to be DSFG-free. It seems to the untrained eye that the
<other two (Attribution and Attribution-ShareAlike) are. The problems we
<have with these licenses are more or less ones of clarity and wording
<rather than intention.

My doubt is: dfsg should cover the 4 freedom of fsf. How does CC respect the availability of source code?
I mean FDL does something like that with the provision of a copy in an open format when you distribute a certenly amount of copies.
Can we consider dfsg-free a song which can be playd just in MSplayer, or a text readable just whit adobe reader?


Aconsegueix el_teu_email@teatre.com gratuÏtament a http://teatre.com

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