Re: [ Re: Bug#181969: [ Re: JasPer licensing wrt Debian Linux]]
On Tue, 16 Dec 2003, MJ Ray wrote:
> I can appreciate that, but can you please appreciate that your
> software licence is far from ideal?
I do acknowledge that. This is why, in an ideal world, I would have
prefered to have a license without usage restrictions (because such a
license would obviously be less restrictive).
> > I have received a number of
> > rather unkind e-mail from some members of the open-source community.
> Please name them.
Please do not take offense. I am not criticizing the members of this forum.
> > As a result, the terms of the JasPer license cannot be dictated by me
> > alone.
> If you are a copyright holder, you seem to have a strong negotiating
> position. You can stop JasPer being distributed at all if you get
> undesirable terms, can't you?
Perhaps, I could have refused to allow part of the JasPer code from being
released to the public. This, however, would have been to the
detriment of all, however. I mean, it is better to have something
available than nothing. Many people are using JasPer, in spite of its
non-ideal license. If I had prevented JasPer from being publically
available at all, what would this have really accomplished? After all
of the time that I spent on JasPer, I would like people to be able to
benefit from it. This is only possible if the software is available
to the public.
> Is there case history of this? I mean, I might be held liable for some
> terrorist attack on London, but it seems unlikely. Few others feel it
> necessary to go as far as you have with a patent self-defence clause,
> so it would be interesting to learn more about the reasoning.
I am not a lawyer. So I am not going to pretend to be one. Image
Power and the University of British Columbia have lawyers who were
consulted during in the license drafting process. I trust that these
experienced individuals knew what they were doing.
Michael Adams, Assistant Professor
Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Engineering, University of Victoria
P.O. Box 3055 STN CSC, Victoria, BC, V8W 3P6, CANADA
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