Re: Bug#223961: libdvdread3: makes download of possibly illegal libdvdcss too easy
Andreas Metzler <> writes:
>> Ignorance of the law is no excuse. If I choose to use an MP3 encoder in
>> this country without paying Frauenhofer and Thomson exorbitant fees, I'm
>> taking that risk. Any reasonable user should already know that libdvdcss
>> is dangerous, and if one doesn't want one's door battered in by the
>> cops, one shouldn't use it.
> [...]
> Afaik the German Law is stricter than that. It is verboten to describe
> ways to circumvent an "wirksamer Kopierschutz". (a copy protection
> method that is working.), e.g. you might get in trouble with respect
> to criminal law if you post an article to German usenet, describing
> how to copy copy-protected CD foo with program bar.
Well, in that case the copy protection isn't working, is it? I just
took Germany off my list of free countries.
> If this issue applied to libdvdcss2 Debian would be in trouble.
> However if you copy copy-protected CD foo with program bar at home you
> won't be persecuted by criminal law, but the manufacturar might start
> private action against you, claiming compensation.
> Now try to apply the latter on "playing a DVD with xine using
> libdvdcss2" instead of "copying a CD", I really cannot see which
> damage the DVD manufacturarer could claim compensation for.
Very few people can see that logic. Unfortunately, it seems the MPAA
can. The worst part, their lawyers see it too.
Måns Rullgård
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