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[FAQ] Re: GPL compatibility of DFCL

Picking a few nits, and adding a few more questions.

On Fri, 2002-06-14 at 15:34, Branden Robinson wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 14, 2002 at 02:17:15PM -0500, Jeff Licquia wrote:
> >  - What license must I use to license non-trivial modifications to a
> > DFCL document generally?
> You can use the DFCL, the GNU GPL, or any license compatible with either
> of these, such as the MIT/X11 license, the 2- or 3-clause versions of
> the BSD license, the GNU LGPL, or the traditional GNU documentation
> license.
> (Might want to drop the last since the FSF has, unfortunately, disavowed
> it in favor of the GNU FDL.)
> >  - What license must I use to license non-trivial modifications to a
> > DFCL document that is part of a GPLed work?
> You can use the DFCL, the GNU GPL, or any license compatible with either
> of these, such as the MIT/X11 license, the 2- or 3-clause versions of 
> the BSD license, the GNU LGPL, or the traditional GNU documentation 
> license.

So the answer to these two questions will be the same.  I'd probably
merge them and add an explicit statement that the conditions are true
whether the work is combined with a GPLed one or not.

We might also want to document a specific license as recommended; I
imagine that would be the DFCL.

> >  - When do I have to strip the endorsements from a DFCL-licensed work? 
> The endorsements, which consist of a list of names of individuals or
> entities, but which do not include the endorsement notice itself
> ("$QUOTE_FROM_ENDORSEMENTS_CLAUSE"), must -- in general -- be removed
> when you modify a DFCL-licensed work in any for any reason.  If you have
> received permission, privately or publicly, from an endorser to preserve
> his, her, or its endorsement under a set of circumstances that applies to
> you, then you may retain that endorsement.  The terms under which you
> are permitted to retain an endorser's endorsement are solely determined
> by your negotiation with the endorser, and cannot be overridden by this
> license.

Clarification: If one imports a DFCL document into a GPL product, what
is the legal status of the endorsements?  Is the endorsement list then
modifiable under the terms of the GPL?

(We may want to require that the endorsements be stripped when
distributing a DFCL document as part of a GPL whole, if only to prevent
confusion on this point.)

> Thanks a lot, Jeff.  We now have the beginnings of a FAQ.  :)

Starting a subthread to keep track of FAQ contributions.  Here's a few
more entries that aren't related to the previous thread on the GPL.

 - What do I have to do when I want to print copies of a DFCL-licensed
work and distribute them?  What's the recommended way to do this?

 - What do I have to do when I want to burn DFCL documents onto CD-ROMs
or other fixed electronic media?  What's the recommended way to do this?

 - Can I publish and sell fixed-media copies (paper, CD, etc.) of
DFCL-licensed documents?

As issues come up and are discussed, it might be good to submit a FAQ
question for each issue; no matter how the discussion turns out, it's
likely that the issue will come up again.

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