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Re: GNU FDL 1.2 draft comment summary posted, and RFD (fwd)

On Thu, 2002-06-13 at 00:22, Nick Phillips wrote:

> It's clear to anyone who bothers to examine the source code that the elements
> you are talking about are insertions and perform functions other than that
> for which the whole thing was intended.

anthony@bohr:mozilla-1.0.0$ find -type f -exec 'cat' '{}' ';' | wc -l

You're telling me that you could find a well-hidden security hole in the
above? All 5.7 million lines of it? Or even in a much smaller package?

If so, why are there security issues? Why are there ones that remain
undiscovered for years, despite people activly looking?

Because security mistakes are easy to make. And they're hard to find.
And they're really hard to find if hidden well.

> It's not likely to be nearly as
> clear (if I selectively edit a document) that I have completely perverted
> the author's intentions.

It's pretty clear what the document means, if it means anything to you.

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