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Re: GPL compatibility of DFCL

On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 11:14:53PM -0400, Glenn Maynard wrote:
> I read this post, and I'm still not sure what prevents using a conversion
> clause to make a DFCL-licensed work GPL, and using the terms of the GPL
> when using the document on its own.

In general, copyright law itself does this, as I understand it.

If the original author did not license the DFCLed work under the GPL,
and you encounter a copy of the work that is indistuighable from the
copy under the DFCL except for the license, there is a definite problem.

Furthermore, the GPL itself explains this in section 2, after the
lettered clauses.  I quoted this elsewhere in the thread.

> RMS calls a license GPL-compatible if a modified version of the program
> can be released under the GPL (200201062326.g06NQRc04761@aztec.santafe.edu);
> this implies no extra restrictions (such as needing to restore an Endorsements
> clause in some circumstances).  How could the requirement "come back" after
> the program (document) has been released under the GPL?

It comes back if you disentangle the DFCLed document from the GPLed
software and distribute it as a document again.

GPL, section 2.

> I sympathise with the intent here; the "clause hiding" you're describing just
> seems very strange to me.  Perhaps some sample wording would help?

I provided some in Message-ID: <[🔎] 20020614014317.GF9051@deadbeast.net>.

	If and while this work is incorporated into a different work
	which is licensed under the GNU GPL, version 2, as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, the reproduction of the
	endorsement section immediately after this work's copyright
	notice is optional instead of mandatory.

> > I am as incredulous about your inability to perceive the compatibility I
> > am proposing as you are incredulous that it's possible.  Clearly one of
> > us misunderstanding something.  :)
> pain

I agree.  For a while Mark Rafn almost had me persuaded that I was
smoking crack.  But then I pulled up the text of the GPL because a
little bell was dinging in my brain, and it sounded like "mere
aggregation".  Sure enough, my salvation lay there in the text of the


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