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Re: Endorsements (was: GNU FDL 1.2 draft comment summary posted, and RFD)

On Thursday, June 13, 2002, at 03:22 , Mark Rafn wrote:

Also, is there a more general term to use than "endorsements"? I've been
known to write things I don't actually endorse, but still want my
authorship known.  I'd prefer "attributions" or "contributors".

The copyright notice can do that. So could an acknowledgements section.

I like the idea, but it may be difficult to execute.  Who must
provide such permission?  Every endorser?

No. Just the people who's name you want to put as an endorser.

Actually, I guess I should be disallowed from adding anyone to the
endorsement list without their permission.  Can the license prevent me
from adding a name to the endorsemements that I just removed to comply
with #3?

No, but these neat laws against libel and false representation can. So can Branden biting off your head when you try it ;-)

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