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Re: Bug#143063 acknowledged by developer (Bug#143063: fixed in mmix 1:0.0.20020615-3)

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> Now the mmix license (from boilerplate.w, minus markup):

>     (c) 1999 Donald E. Knuth

>     This file may be freely copied and distributed, provided that no
>     changes whatsoever are made. 

This allows unmodified distribution.

>     All users are asked to help keep the MMIXware files consistent
>     and ``uncorrupted,'' identical everywhere in the world.

This is not part of the license.

>     Changes are permissible only if the modified file is given a new
>     name, different from the names of existing files in the MMIXware
>     package, and only if the modified file is clearly identified as
>     not being part of that package.

And this allows limited forms of local modification.

This is not free software.  There is no permission for distribution of
derivative works.  It's *certainly* not DFSG-free, since it places
functional restrictions on the sort of derivative works which may be created.

- -Brian

> How does that go against the DFSG point four?  He permits changes,
> modifications and redistribution thereof, but only if the file names
> are modified and the changes are identified.

- -- 
Brian Sniffen                                         bts@akamai.com
Security Engineer         day: (617) 444-2642    cel: (617) 721-0927
Akamai Technologies       eve: (617) 354-1526     pi: (314) 159-2654 
Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)


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