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Re: A few more LPPL concerns

> Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2002 16:35:42 +1200
> From: Nick Phillips <nwp@nz.lemon-computing.com>

> Take my company. There are 4 of us working there. I'm quite likely to want
> to make a small modification to some part of LaTeX to make it behave how I
> want it to. It's been a long time since I used LaTeX heavily, so I'm not
> likely to be terribly clued-ep up the "right" way to do things.

Can you make a derivative of a GPL'ed work and distribute it among
your four without giving sources to other three? I remember a
discussion about this in RMS's works, but do not remember the
outcome. The situation with LPPL is exactly the same.

The rule of thumb is, I think, this: if in a given situation you
cannot do something a closed derivative of a GPL'ed work, then you
cannot do this with a modified LaTeX without name change.

Good luck


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