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Re: User's thoughts about LPPL

Frank Mittelbach <frank.mittelbach@latex-project.org> writes:

>  - reads in files (and ignores their content)
>  - writes out two or three files by dumping the results expected by TRIP.TEX
> then i only have to feel happy about it to be able to call it TeX. :-) in
> other words you can always trip wordings (as several try to prove to me too)

I think "feel happy about" is going to be violated here.  That first
clause might look squishy, but it can't be squished indefinitely.

> Don has clarified the definition of what is TeX and what not on several
> occasions. You may be right that it is not codified in a license (though the
> text in the tripman isn't a license either)

What Don Knuth says is really quite irrelevant.  If he's given
permission to use the name (which tripman sure looks like), then it's
that permission that matters, even if he later regrets his


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