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Re: GPL compatibility of DFCL

Nick Phillips <nwp@nz.lemon-computing.com> wrote:
> You can license it under the GPL, but if anyone successfully
> demonstrates that it is all MIT-derived, there will be an interesting
> argument as to whether or not your removal of chunks constitutes enough
> work to grant you copyright (remember, performing "significant work" in
> compiling an anthology gives you copyright on the anthology, but not on
> the individual works contained therein) on the whole. And if so,
> whether they are using your work or the original work... think rich
> lawyers.

Ah, here's an analogy that makes sense.  Consider software that is an
anthology of works by several authors under several licenses.  Clearly the
compliling (not in the software sense) author has performed significant
work.  However, the license for the anthology does not necessarily trump the
license for the individual works.  You can make any use of public-domain
writings, even if the copy you're reading from is a copyrighted volume.

I can create derivative works from Homer's _Illiad_ even though the copy I'm
basing it on is in the Norton Anthology of Literature.


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