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Re: GNU FDL 1.2 draft comment summary posted, and RFD (fwd)

Nick Phillips <nwp@nz.lemon-computing.com> wrote:
> OK, let's take a more likely scenario. Alice writes a manifesto for Free
> Software. Bob subtly edits it to become a manifesto for Open Source. If Bob
> says "Document edited by Bob, based on an original by Alice. (c) Alice 1999,
> (c) Bob 2002", then it is likely that most readers would believe Alice's
> position to be insignificantly different to Bob's.
> An appropriate license needs to require Bob to make clear that that is
> likely not the case.

The only way that Alice is going to prevent her work from being
misused is to make it non-modifiable.  That is why the FSF makes the
GPL unmodifiable.  If you have concerns like that, then you need a
non-free license.

Walter Landry

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