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Re: request

On Tue, May 08, 2001 at 05:32:34PM -0400, James Miller wrote:
> Sam,
> What's your support for this again?  Publication establishes protectability.

Right.  But my point was in response to a claim about yelling in
Trafalgar Square, which is public performance, and not publication.  

> The Hemmingway estate case essentially holds against your proposition.  
> The court held that if Hemmingway had "set off" his comments in some way 
> in talking to a biographer--maybe air quotes or something..--then he 
> could have protected his comments otherwise nada protection...
> Unpublished works that are communicated aren't afforded any special 
> protection.  If they are communicated in a way that would constitute an 
> implied license there will be no infringement even if they are deemed 
> protectable.

I'll look that case up.  But if you put on a play on the street, that
would see protectable.  Blathering in a public square probably won't
get much protection, but that wasn't the real point.  

> Additionally, the point of attachment is not limited to where the 
> archives are stored--although this hasn't been widely litigated yet, 
> huh.. ;)

Yeah, but good luck getting the documents actually removed without a
US court decision.  

> Keep in mind protection is a reward for publication.  Common law 
> copyright protections and limited publications are legal fictions.

This is where _Salinger_ comes into play.  It is possible to infringe
on an upublished work.  Additionally, it is illegal to record and
distribute a Broadway play, despite the lack of publication.  

> >sam th --- sam@uchicago.edu <http://us.f107.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=sam@uchicago.edu&amp;YY=75030&amp;order=down&amp;sort=date&amp;pos=0>
> >
> >Note that in the US, where the debian archives are located, this is
> >not actually true.  You can't prevent people from recording it (since
> >recording in a public space is legal), but your expression is
> >copyrighted, and you have not published it by yelling it.  So if they
> >try to distribute it to their friends, you could prosecute them for
> >copyright infringement.
> >

sam th --- sam@uchicago.edu --- http://www.abisource.com/~sam/
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