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Re: {debian-legal} Re: Final Draft: Interpretive Guideline regarding DFSG clause 3

Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

> Uh, it's the program you've chosen to use; it's no one else's
> responsibility to make it match list policy. And hell, we've even gone
> out of our way to use a standard header to make this easy for you.

It's not a standard header.  But, hey, if the proponents of this
header care so much about it, they should offer to support it.  

> I repeat: why do you think there's some "(Unless it's too much effort)"
> rider?

Because I just don't claim perfection.

> The question isn't installing two packages (people already do that for
> apache and apache-doc, eg), it's about working out that emacs' docs are
> in a package called "emacs21-doc" versus "debian-political".

So, what's the problem?  Or is the question about whether the docs are
in "main" or not?

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