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Re: REVISED PROPOSAL regarding DFSG 3 and 4, licenses, and modifiable text

aj wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 02, 2001 at 04:31:06AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> > I don't think we should *encourage* reasoning by fiat or whim
> Possibly more acutely: how is "32kB" justified, apart from fiat or
> whim?

Branden's reasoning seems to be that it's better to fiat once and for 
all, rather than every time.

The limit, however, does not have to be decided on a whim; Branden's idea 
that we take the largest that's currently allowed in a package, and go 
with that. At a very quick glance, it seems like the Emacs manual had the 
most invariant text. I think that's certainly an adequate way of choosing 
a number.

Still; an arbitrary limit (such as *for example* 32kB) can be abused by 
people putting small amounts of bad stuff in and saying "Hey, you let 
everyone else in that's under 32kB, why not me?" But who decides what's 
good or bad?

Sure, I could picture a more description-based criteria of what's 
allowed; like political statements and manifests, with a disclaimer that 
if it's obnoxiously long and generally obnoxious it may be disallowed, 
but that has problems too.

aj, tb, it's clear you don't like the proposal, so please come up with 
suggestions of your own.

Sunnanvind (I'm the solution-less problem-creator, or SLPC for short)

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