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Re: RTLinux patent

On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 02:09:09PM -0600, John Galt wrote:
> The modifications would probably be so great that you'd have a
> copyrightable work in and of itself.

I'm not convinced, yet.

> However, as Marcus has pointed out, the algorithms are the sticky
> issue and that would be enough to consign it to non-free if it was
> distributable at all--Debian-bsd seems to be back from the dead,
> and the *BSD kernel (which one to start with is still a matter of
> contention) is most definitely NOT GPL :)

Of course, this only is significant for third world countries (e.g. the
u.s.a., maybe) which allow patents on such architectural issues.

> AFACT, the rule of thumb is that if it's not distributable with any
> part of Debian, it's not distributable by Debian PERIOD, which is the
> way IMHO it should be.

I presume here you're talking about copyright -- we have linux specific
binaries which don't work under hurd, for example -- you just plain
can't distribute working hurd versions because they don't exist.  Also,
we have non-us software which for patent reasons isn't distributable
for systems which exist in the u.s.

> So I'm going to weasel out of your question by saying that it's
> irrelevant in this case :)

Ok, but I'm going to weasel you right back -- guard your socks.


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