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Re: GNU License and Computer Break Ins

Scripsit Seth David Schoen <schoen@loyalty.org>

> I'm working on the argument that copyrights are so confusing because
> they are really an attempt at a government subsidy to authors (to
> promote the Progress, etc.), cleverly disguised as a minor market
> regulation.

Hum? I've always thought that was quite clearly and openly the
official rationale behind the entire "intellectual property"

The extent to which this official rational is merely a front for
the publishing industry's lobbyism is an open question, but I
happen to think it's a rather good rationale as long as we're
talking about the literary and artistic works copyright was
concieved for.

However, as regards software, the free software phenomenon (and
the average quality of good free software compared with market-leading
proprietary software) clearly shows that copyright is not necessary
for promoting creativity and quality of software.

Henning Makholm                              "I consider the presence of the
                                      universe to be a miracle. The universe
                                     and everything in it. Can you deny it?"

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