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Re: Is the INRIA license non-free?

On Sep 22, Masayuki Hatta wrote:
> Distribution of derivative works obtained by modifying the software or
> integrating it in another software is allowed only if the distribution
> consists of the unmodified, original source files for the software,
> along with difference files (patches) to be applied by the user of the
> derivative work.

This appears to be a "patch clause," which is permitted by the DFSG.
However, it also seems to prohibit the distribution of derived
binaries.  The key phrase is "only if the distribution consists of..."
So it doesn't seem at face value to be DFSG-free.

Of course, it's possible their intent was poorly translated into
English.  They could have meant "only if the distribution includes..."
which would be DFSG-compliant.

I'd ask them to clarify the license, and/or provide a version in
French that we can parse (poorly in my case, but I'm sure we've got a
native French speaker around somewhere).

IANAL.  IMHO.  Yadda yadda yadda.

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