Re: licence of CommAPI from Sun
Christian Leutloff <> writes:
> Will it be possible to place the package in non-free? If yes, I'm
> willing to package it.
> 1. License to Distribute. You are granted a royalty-free right to reproduce
> and distribute the Software provided that you: (i)distribute the Software
> complete and unmodified, only as part of, and for the sole purpose
> of running, your Java applet or application ("Program") into which
> the Software is incorporated; (ii) do not distribute additional
> software intended to replace any component(s) of the Software;
It seems to me that (ii) would prevent Debian from later including a
free (possibly partial) reimplementation of the library. I'd advise
against packaging it, even in non-free.
Henning Makholm
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