Re: Is it illegal to distribute Linux kernel? KDE precedent.
On Jun 25, reject wrote:
> GNU/Debian can sure bullshit it's way out of a situation when it has
> to. Debian/GNU Linux Kernel takes BSD 4.3 code and includes it in
> Debian/GNU Linux Kernel creating a derived work but distributes it
> under GPL which is in direct contradiction with the original license
> of the BSD 4.3 code which has an advertising clause that must be
> respected.
> Suddenly this is magically made right by the above rhetoric? Please
> if you call me a skeptic.
The "rhetoric" is incorrect; ask Linus if you don't believe the
explanation I posted previously. He's prohibited major blocks of code
from entering the kernel tree because of the BSD advertising clause
(notably, the original 680x0 FPU emulator which was adapted from
NetBSD), and the bsd_comp situation is consistent with other non-GPLed
modules (bsd_comp just happens to be in the kernel tree).
(I return you to your regularly-scheduled trollfest.)
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