Re: DFSG And Trademarks
On Jun 18, Jeff Licquia wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 18, 1999 at 02:35:02PM -0000, wrote:
> > Change the name on your package just enough to avoid all of the trademarks,
> > because we _will_ have to fix bugs before they do, etc.
> Any recommendations on avoiding the trademark? Do I have to come up
> with a brand new name, or would something like "cups-debian" or
> "debcups" or "dcups" work OK?
"dcups" is a double-entendre (at least in .us) and probably should be
"cups-debian" might work; "common-unix-print-sys" might also be
appropriate (and a bit more descriptive). And it gets around the
(My understanding is that an acronym can't be trademarked under
U.S. law, so the "CUPS" trademark may be invalid in any case.)
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