XForms GPL exception...
I'm writing the author of xfmix to request an exception for xforms, but
I'm not clear on a point of our suggested exception.
+ You may link this software with XForms (Copyright (C) by T.C. Zhao and
+ Mark Overmars) and distribute the resulting binary, under the
+ restrictions in clause 3 of the GPL, even though the resulting binary is
+ not, as a whole, covered by the GPL. (You still need a separate license
+ to do so from the owner(s) of the copyright for XForms, however). If a
+ derivative no longer requires XForms, you may use the unsupplemented GPL
+ as its license by deleting this paragraph and therefore removing this
+ exemption for XForms.
"(You still need a separate license to do so from the owner(s) of the
copyright for XForms, however)" seems to me to say that you need a
separate license from the xforms people to distribute the binary
regardless of the exception. Is that right? That would mean that we need
a separate license from the xforms people.
- Tom
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