Re: Editor and sensible-editor
On Tue, 15 Jun 1999 at 02:29, Chris Lawrence wrote about "Re: Editor and...":
> That and the "local modification" business is a bit goofy; perhaps
> they should consider a "you modify it, you change the name" policy
> (i.e. you can't call a modified Pine "UW Pine" or "UW PC/Pine"). That
> would at least edge it closer to DFSG-freeness (and would certainly
> let binaries into non-free).
One interesting idea I had (and while I'm a law student, I haven't spent
more than two or three minutes on the updated Pine license) is that it
might allow modified source to be distributed, where all that needs to be
done (and this could be part of postinstall or whatever) is to compile it.
Thus, we're not distributing modified binaries but modified source and
compiling locally (and automatically).
Brock Rozen
Director of Technical Services (410) 602-1350
Project Genesis
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