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Licesing question regarding a new package named isdn2h323

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I'm currently packaging a program named isdn2h323. The problem is, that they 
have added a kind of advertisement clause to the GPL. ftp-master James Troup 
blieves, that this is an extra restriction to section 6 of the GPL.
The exact added text is the following:
 |        "You have the right to use and modify isdn2h323 only
 |      if the copyright messages as defined in the file 'config.h'
 |      appear at the following places: the HTML pages created by 
 |      isdn2h323 during runtime, the syslog system, the call log 
 |      e-mails sent to the users. Additionally, the display of
 |      telos' logo defined in 'ad.h' via H.261 may not be replaced
 |      by other still images but only by actual user video."
The upstream author, as well as me, is of the opinion, that this is
1) not really a restriction
2) his right as author

to 1)
	GPL in section 2 itself says, that there has to be a copyright notice shown, 
when it's interactive. The parts where his restriction applies, are exactly 
the interactive parts. They have only made a clarification, what the 
interactive parts of the program are.
to 2)
	First, it is not a derieved work as mentioned in section 2. Also section 6 
does not apply, as this is not a redistribution, but the first distribution. 
He is the author and has the right to license it as his will.

Based on this all, we think that the program could go in main/ contrib, or at 
least to non-free. The upstream author would be glad to see isdn2h323 in 
debian, so I hope there will be a way to get it in.

For the interested, I have the packages avalaible for download on 
http://www.student.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/~knodt .

Please send your answers also directly to us two.

With kind regards
	Torsten Knodt
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


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