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Re: it is avahi? Re: network

On 01.07.13 15:56, Daniel Landau wrote:
I am also a customer of the same ISP (Sonera) and I too have today
gotten a new ZyXEL router and yes, I too now have the same error
message. The proper English language version for the message is:

"Network service discovery disabled

Your current network has a .local domain, which is not recommended and
incompatible with the Avahi network service discovery. The service has
been disabled."

As suggested, changing the DNS used from the ISP provided one to
openDNS or Google DNS removed the error. The user guide for my router
is at ftp://ftp2.zyxel.com/NBG-419N_v2/user_guide/NBG-419N%20v2_.pdf
but I would assume that the management is similar for other ZyXEL
routers too. In short, the procedure is to open the address in your web browser, log in with the default password 1234
and follow instructions and poke around until reaching the setting for
the dhcp server and there change the setting for DNS server to
"User-Defined" and for openDNS server or for
Google DNS server.

Could you please go to General Screen as mentioned on page 179, section

Is the domain set to .local? What happens if you put back your ISP DNS
servers but change domain name to something different? (iki.fi, sonera.fi
or something).

It should work flawlessly imho.

However, with my previous router, I could connect to machines on my
wireless network  using their hostnames (which is e.g. useful for
moving files to/from Android devices wirelessly with ftp), now I

I guess this might be one of issues using .local in your network causes.

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uhlar@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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