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Re: [Fwd: install Lenny on ASUS A8JM ?]

Alexey A Nikitin a écrit :
2010/11/23 fred <f.rech@yahoo.fr>
Hi list,

my friend laptop ASUS A8JM is candidate for living with Debian.

When go on Debian.org, what version do we have to choose to make it work ?

Thanks for replies, I used to do that install on pc, but it's my 1st mobile device... and can't find answer on web.

Hi, Fred

Nowadays it makes less and less difference whether you install Debian
or any other Linux distribution on a desktop or on a laptop as laptops
become more commonplace and desktops use same power-saving techniques
as laptops. I'd say you can just try Debian stable and see if
everything works the way it should and if some devices aren't working
then try Debian testing and see if it makes the difference. If
hardware support in Debian testing is not good enough for you you can
try installing liquorix kernel from liquorix.net - those kernels may
provide support for some additional hardware as well as improve
responsiveness of the desktop but they are considered unstable.



This message was created with 100% recycled electrons


everything fine with Lenny !
The only issue is with the Qbittorrent 2 install. There is version 1 in Lenny depots. Have tried several 2.X.deb, and 2.X.tar.gz with deps build before and nothing to do. Is it a way known here to achieve this install without upgrade or update to Squeeze ?

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