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Re: why the difference between two identical laptops?

Dne úterý 17 říjen 2006 16:39 Preston Boyington napsal(a):
> alright folks, give me some ideas as to why there are differences
> between these two laptops.
> i loaded Debian on my first laptop, changed my sources to my favorite
> ones, installed all the programs and codecs i could think of that i
> might want.
> then i did the ol':
> 	dpkg --get-selections > packages.txt
> i then loaded a base Debian install on my second laptop, changed the
> sources like on my first laptop, and proceeded to run:
> 	apt-get update
> 	dpkg --set-selections < packages.txt
> 	apt-get dselect-upgrade
> everything loaded just fine, except i notice that there are differences
> in things like my Gnome icon for battery/charging/plug.  it's different
> than my first laptop.  also after an update last night on the second
> laptop i lost a desktop shortcut to the /share partition that was there
> initially.  (i haven't updated the first laptop to see if the same thing
> will happen.)
> the Gnome versions should be the same (2.14.3 i think), so why the minor
> discrepancies?  they are not "show stoppers" by any means, i am just
> curious.

Problem is, when you use --get/set-selections combo, you loose information 
about exact package versions (needed for stable/testing/unstable mix) and you 
also loose dependency info for aptitude (all packages will behave like 
manually installed). In general, --get/set-selections can make identical 
installs only when using stable release without aptitude.

And of course, if you want identical installations, you also need to transfer 
configurations (/etc, /home/*/.*), as it is initially set to default when you 
install package, but this default can be different between two versions of 
the same package. So on "new" computer you will have "new" default config, 
which will probably be somehow different from "old" computer (depends on 
release and package updates).

I would do identical installs using bootable linux CDs (knoppix) and something 
like `tar c /old_root/ | ssh other_comp 'tar x -C /new_root/'`


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