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Re: Wireless on an Acer Aspire 3610

sorry, I'm a lttle drunk, but the best way is:
man iwconfig :D RTFM :D

2006/3/10, Juanjavier Martínez <debian@juanjaviermartinez.com >:
Martin Surovčák wrote:

>You are welcome.
>If you would like to scan "air" just try:
>iwlist wlan0 scan
>Good luck
The output of it is attached.

How do I connect to what I get there?


Juanjavier Martínez.

wlan0     Scan completed :
          Cell 01 - Address: 00:14:F8:51:11:40
                    Protocol:IEEE 802.11g
                    Frequency:2.412 GHz (Channel 1)
                    Quality:0/100  Signal level:-80 dBm  Noise level:-256 dBm
                    Encryption key:off
                    Bit Rate:1 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:2 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:5.5 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:11 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:18 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:24 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:36 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:54 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:6 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:9 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:12 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:48 Mb/s
          Cell 02 - Address: 00:0A:73:FD:90:12
                    Protocol:IEEE 802.11g
                    Frequency:2.462 GHz (Channel 11)
                    Quality:0/100  Signal level:-85 dBm  Noise level:-256 dBm
                    Encryption key:on
                    Bit Rate:1 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:2 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:5.5 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:6 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:9 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:11 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:12 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:18 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:24 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:36 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:48 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:54 Mb/s
          Cell 03 - Address: 00:30:BD:FD:AF:B0
                    Protocol:IEEE 802.11g
                    Frequency:2.462 GHz (Channel 11)
                    Quality:0/100  Signal level:-87 dBm  Noise level:-256 dBm
                    Encryption key:on
                    Bit Rate:1 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:2 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:5.5 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:11 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:18 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:24 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:36 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:54 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:6 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:9 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:12 Mb/s
                    Bit Rate:48 Mb/s

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