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Problem configuring etch on Dell Latitude D400 laptop


I am trying to install etch on Dell Latitude D400 laptop, but the
configuration seems to hang. The base system install went on fine.
During configuration, I showed it 3 CDROMs', which have been properly
entered in /etc/apt/source.list

Now, it seems to have hung at the screen "Installing packages", with
the message "Downloading file 1 of 79 (0s remaining)". The progress
bar is at 0% since about 30 minutes now. The CDROM also has been
unmounted automatically (nothing under /cdrom)

`ps -aef' tells me `script -c /usr/sbin/base-config -q -a
/var/log/base-config.log -t' is fired twice, and down the line in its
child processes, I can also see a whiptail running with the message
`Downloading file 270 of 348 (0s remaining) 8 77 0'.

Can someone guide me as to what seems to be wrong here? I can also
supply more details if the need be. Thanks!


Pune, INDIA.

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