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Hi Rybon,!

You wrote:

>    I recieved a Dell 5160 laptop as a holiday gift and require assistance
>    finding a distro that supports the included components.  I have tried
>    several live disks (knoppix, linspire, mandrake) but wireless
>    networking and video components continue to be problematic.  Can you
>    make a recommendation or direct me to a forum where I might find users
>    with similar experience?

The website http://www.linux-laptop.net/ has notes and howto's about
a lot of laptops.  The Dell 5160 is in their list, and people seem to
have gotten everything to work.

PS: please ask these kinds of questions on debian-user@lists.debian.org
(or debian-laptop@lists.debian.org) in the future.  The debian-project
list is meant for non-technical discussies about the Debian project.

Kind regards,
| Bas Zoetekouw              | GPG key: 0644fab7                     |
|----------------------------| Fingerprint: c1f5 f24c d514 3fec 8bf6 |
| bas@o2w.nl, bas@debian.org |              a2b1 2bae e41f 0644 fab7 |

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