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Re: Netgear wg511, 2.6/Sarge - weird? -- no, not weird any more: apparent success.

Florian Gossin wrote:


doclap:~# lsmod|egrep prism
prism54                54812  0
firmware_class         10176  1 prism54

It can be a hotplug problem. Do you have the firmware located in
/usr/lib/hotplug/firmware directory ?

Umm, that's bad - its empty.  First big clue, eh?  ;-)

What is written in the logs ?

kernel: Loaded prism54 driver, version 1.2
kernel: eth0: resetting device...
kernel: eth0: uploading firmware...
kernel: eth0: firmware version:
kernel: eth0: firmware upload complete
kernel: eth0: interface reset complete

eth1: islpci_open()
eth1: resetting device...
eth1: uploading firmware...
prism54: request_firmware() failed for 'isl3890'
eth1: could not upload firmware ('isl3890')

that was from syslog...

So, was I supposed to copy something from the windows
CD over to the hotplug/firmware dir, or did I miss something
when I installed software?

Oh, look!  http://prism54.org/phpwiki?pagename=Prism54%20Debian%20HowTo
has a pointer to http://prism54.org/firmware, where one may find some
possible solutions ;-)

So, now I get:

kernel: Loaded prism54 driver, version 1.2
kernel: PCI Enabling device 0000:09:00.00 (0000 -> 0002)
kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt ...blah...
pci.agent[4578]: prism54: loaded successfully

That was in /var/log/messages, nothing much elsewhere.

So, I did:

   ifconfig eth2 up

and suddenly it says 'IEEE 802.11b/g' instead of 'NOT READY!'
Thats a BIG improvement.

I then tried 'iwlist eth2 scan', and get no scan results (Oh,
the green light is STILL off!)

Ok, so I tried airsnort and it didn't see any packets in a few seconds,
but that doesn't mean anything.

So, I tried running kismet, and it says:

FATAL: Unknown capture source tyep 'prism54' in source 'prism54,eth2,claytons'

AH! There we go:  that needs to be 'prism54g,eth2,comment'!  Now I've got
packets!  (No green light yet, but, hey, who needs a green light if the card
works!  ;-)

I'm assuming it works because kismet display looks sorta like this:
Network List (Autofit) Info Name T W Ch Packts Flags IP Range Size Ntwrks . linksys A N 006 64 0B 4 . HOLZ A O 006 44 0B Pckets ! argoweb A O 006 41 0B 154 <no ssid> P N --- 1 0B Cryptd 0 Weak 0 Noise 0 Discrd 0 Pkts/s 4

Welcome to Kismet Kismet-Client 2005.04.R1 build 20050403003117 Welcome to the Kismet panels frontend. Context help is available for all displays, press 'H' at any time
                                            for more information.

This message can be turned off by editing the kismet_ui.conf file. Press <Space> to continue. clayto Ch:--- Elapsd 00:01:31 Status Connected to Kismet server version 2005.04.R1 build 20050403003117 on localhost:2501 Found new probed network "<no ssid>" bssid 00:90:4B:54:6B:9F

After a while, I ended up with:

! linksys   A N 006  178 T4  234B
! HOLZ    A O 006  121                70B
! argoweb A O 006 119    0B
 <no ssid>  P N ---   5 0B
 linksys_SES_51740 A O 006  1 0B

and then suddenly kismet died, with:

/usr/bin/kismet: line 80: 4818 Segmentation fault ${BIN}/kismet_client $client
Killing server...
Didn't detect any Cisco Discovery Packets, unlinking cisco dump
Didn't see any weak encryption packets, unlinking weak file
WARNING: ...blah...
Kismet exiting.
Kismet exited.

So, I tried airsnort again and:

Oooh!  Look!  AirSnort is now seeing packets!  It says:
00:0f:b5:EF:..... CAME... Thu, Sep 1 00:57... channel 10, 195 packets, 1 encrypted, 0 interesting, 1 unique
FF:FF:FF:FF...             46 packets, 0 encrypt, 0 interesting, 0 uniq.

(It is interesting to me that airsnort only sees one (or maybe that's
two) things, but kismet saw 3 (or is that 5???))

I don't have any permission to connect anywhere yet, so I won't
try till I can run over to my neighbors, but I *think* we're up...
Especially since ifconfig says that we've gotten 1.3 MiB from 13016 received
packets (now, I wonder why I sent 5 packets?  hmmm)

So, apparently the Netgear 802.11g card with NO info on where it was
made is a prism54g card and sort of works.

Thanks to all for all the help!  (I hope I'm not just more dense
than most!  Hopefully this email will help someone somewhere sometime...)

Any comments anyone wants to make on the above would be appreciated...
(like, did I miss anything, get wrong assumption, etc)


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