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TuxMobil GNU/Linux Award 2005

TuxMobil announces the first "TuxMobil GNU/Linux Award"[1]. The award honors
Free Software projects, which improve Linux for mobile computers.  Prices
are sponsored by companies selling pre-equipped mobile Linux devices or
compatible accessories. The first price will be a SHARP SL-6000L (Zaurus)
Linux PDA.  If you want to nominate programs, drivers, ports or
documentation for laptops, notebooks, PDAs, mobile phones and portable media
players, write to <award_at_tuxmobil.org> until June 30th 2005. The winners
will be determined by a jury which consists of the Editor in Chief of the
German magazine LinuxUser[2], the president of the Free Software Foundation
Europe[3] and the founder of TuxMobil.

     [1] http://tuxmobil.org/linux_award.html
     [2] http://linuxuser.de
     [3] http://fsf-europe.org

|=| Werner Heuser = Berliner Str. 122 = D-13187 Berlin = Germany
|=| <wehe at tuxmobil.org>     T. 0049 - (0)30 - 349 53 86
|=| http://TuxMobil.org        UniX on Mobile Systems: HOWTOs,Software
|*| This is no time for phony rhetoric -- Lou Reed

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