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Re: partition table numberings

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Steven wrote:

> Hi, why didn't you just create free space and resize your original Linux
> swap?
> As for the partition table "error", I wouldn't expect disk damage.

HI Steven,

My actual swap was /dev/hda5 and my home dir was /dev/hda6.
I didn't want to risk my /home partition.
/usr/local partiton (/dev/hda7) was 4.2 GB which, at least in Debian, is
just too much, so I thought of resizing it. For that I had to shrink it to
2.7GB which gave me a new partition of 1.5GB

But my root partition was /dev/hda8. So the new swap partition got
numbered /dev/hda9. I got scared that my root could get screwed so I
deleted both /dev/hda7 (/usr/local/) and /dev/hda9(the other swap).
And voila, now a bigger problem. My root changed to /dev/hda7. parted did
warn me about it.

Then I went for a cigarette and calmed down. Then I figured out that it
wasn't anything bad AFAIK. Just the numbering got jumbled.
So I created the partitions again and this time making /usr/local again
2.7GB which got /dev/hda8 and the second swap partition which
got /dev/hda9.

The only thing I was worried of was wether this order would damage the dist.

/root (/dev/hda7) started at 2514 cylinders and ended at 3648 where
as /usr/local (/dev/hda8) started at 2159 and ended at 2513.

So you can see the reason why I was worried.

But I think everything is working okay. I already have done a couple of
reboots by now.

But just have a little bit of fear in the corner of my heart if this jumbled
partition order could damage or shrink the life of my hdd :-)

Thanks for replying.

- -- 
Ritesh Raj Sarraf
RESEARCHUT -- http://www.researchut.com
Gnupg Key ID: 04F130BC
"Stealing logic from one person is plagiarism, stealing from many is
Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (GNU/Linux)


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