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Re: Digital Photos

Bill Moseley wrote:
I know a few people here work with a digital camera.  I'm often off
with my camera and my laptop and I'm wondering how people manage their
photo collections.

What tools do you use to sync your laptop with your camera?  I was using
rsync, then I had a Perl program that uses Image::Info to look at the
date and time the photo was taken and store it like:


but I'd like to have a tool that would allow me to rotate images and
assign categories upon sync.  Are there better tools available?

I find that a image browser is the best. Just mount the card (mine are all compact flash), browse, grab the few I like, done. Your method has merits though and seems reasonable.

Then I suppose rsync is the best tool to sync with my desktop.

I upload from laptop to web / storage server. Then you can get the pictures whenever you need them, whereever you need them.

There's also a lot of image gallery programs available.  Any
suggestions?  I'm using "imageindex" now, but thinking about a
mod_perl program to generate the gallery on the fly instead of having
to re-run a program to rebuild the html files.  The mod_perl program
could cache the reduced images and use the thumbnails inside the
original photos.  And maybe MySQL for organizing and searching for the
images.  But, if someone has something they love, I'd like to hear
about it.

I prefer the generate on upload method. Why have a dynamic site for largely static content? Plus it means I need mod_blah + apache when often a more simple, scaled down web server will suffice.

As for the SQL thing, still pondering that myself. Currently using directory + file names + my own memory.

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