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Re: Centrino CpuFreq (< 600 mhz)

Hash: SHA1

Es Dissabte 11 Desembre 2004 02:00, en obi va escriure:
| On Sat, Dec 11, 2004 at 01:35:24AM +0100, Joan Tur wrote:
| > Hash: SHA1
| >
| > Es Divendres 10 Desembre 2004 21:57, en obi va escriure:
| > | On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 09:00:06PM +0100, Joan Tur wrote:
| > | > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----
| > | > Hash: SHA1
| > | >
| > | > Es Divendres 10 Desembre 2004 18:58, en obi va escriure:
| > | > | On Fri, Dec 10, 2004 at 06:47:50PM +0100, Arnaud Fontaine wrote:
| > | > | Hi, I have a 1.4GHz and only the 400 MHz options works. With
| > | > | anything lower, the kernel complains about missing ticks and resets
| > | > | the minimum to 600Mhz. I guess it's a machine-related capabilities
| > | > | ... I have a T41.
| > | >
| > | > No luck here (I've only added the 400mhz line)... could you send me
| > | > your .config file?  Thanks!  ;)
| > |
| > | Sure: it's attached. I use the sid/debian kernel-source-2.6.9.
| >
| > Thanks.  The problem was the following kernel option:
| Are you using ACPI? I was using before this experiment, but I recently
| switched to APM so I had to disable that one to get speestep to work.
My laptop (Acer TM292, debian testing) only supports acpi, so I have no 
choice.  If I had the above option selected (it depends on 
speedstep_centrino=y & acpi=y), then the system took the pairs speed/voltage 
from there instead... so the system didn't report 400mhz as an available 

| > Mine is a GM855 + pentium-M 1500 and I'm using kernel 2.6.9-cko3.
| >
| > Despite it shows 400mhz in /etc/cpuinfo, 600mhz are shown
| > in /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq as the actual 
| > speed value.  
| > 400mhz appears in available speeds, so does in scaling_min_freq,
| > scaling_cur_freq and cpuinfo_min_freq.
| I have this interesting behaviour: if I don't look into
| /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/, then the speed (as reported by the
| gnome-applet) is 28% (that is 400MHz) but as soon as I cat
| /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/* then the kernel resets the minimum
| to 600 MHz (and tells me about it in the kernel log).
If I'm not wrong gkrellm-x86info (I'm using it to show the actual cpu speed) 
takes the information 
from /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq, so it always 
shows 600mhz as actual speed.  Anyway, I can see 400mhz as actual speed 
at /proc/cpuinfo & /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq, so 
I'm almost sure it's using 400mhz as the actual speed  ;)

| > CONFIG_X86_PM_TIMER=y makes the message "losing tics" dissapear; it still
| > shows (2 times in 20 minutes) the following messages (dmesg output):
| > - -----
| > Warning: CPU frequency out of sync: cpufreq and timing core thinks of
| > 400000, is 600000 kHz.
| > Warning: CPU frequency is 400000, cpufreq assumed 600000 kHz
| > - -----
| When that happens, the speed is indeed reset to 600: I use powernowd so
| the speed goes down to mimimum automatically working around this
| periodici resets.
As the above message appears sometimes in dmesg (2 times in 110 minutes) it 
seems to go down to 400mhz... maybe we can notice that behaviour when on 
battery?  ;)

| ciao
| graziano
Ciao!  ;)

- -- 
Joan Tur (aka Quini), Eivissa-Spain
    Jabber: quini2k@jabber.org
       Yahoo & AIM: quini2k
  Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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