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Re: compiling & installing kernels

On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 01:27:28PM +1000, ben wrote:
> just wondering..

Do you have backups of everything from before you started? It sounds like
starting from scratch might be useful....

This is what I did (approximately) to get acpi working. I was upgrading a
2.4.18 kernel and downloaded all new source files instead of trying to
patch my existing kernel. I'm running unstable. I don't think I had to
upgrade or install any packages other than the ones listed. You may want
to run apt-get -f install to fix any missing dependencies.

1. Install the new kernel source and prepare the source directory for
installing the new kernel
	- apt-get install kernel-source-2.4.20
	- cd /usr/src
	- look for /usr/src/linux is it a link, or an actual directory? If
	  it's a link remove the link and create a new one to the 2.4.20
	  source directory:
	  	ln -s /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.20 linux

2. Install the new kernel
	- cd /usr/src/linux
	- cp /usr/usr/<old kernel sources>/.config /usr/src/linux/.config
	- make oldconfig

3. Enable ACPI, and remove APM (the old power management modules/tools)
	- Under "general support":
		- turn ON Power Management support
		- turn OFF APM
		- turn ON as MODULES everything to do with ACPI
			- bus manager
			- system
			- processor
			- button
			- AC adapter
			- embedded controller
			- control method battery
			- thermal
	- <exit> and save the new configuration

4. Finish installing the new kernel
	- make dep
	- make clean
	- make bzImage
	- make modules
	- make modules_install

5. Prep the system to find the new kernel on reboot
	- cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz.<date>
	- vi /etc/lilo.conf
		ADD a reference to the new vmlinuz file (wherever you put
		it). Do NOT delete or replace references to working
	- lilo (this should run through and point to all the kernels)

6. Load the new modules when the system reboots	
	- vi /etc/modules and add:
		# Power management utilities
		# the order is important!!

7. Reboot and test the new kernel
	- reboot
	- possibly install some modules (e.g. I have to re-install my
	  graphics card and wireless at this point because I don't do
	  things The Debian Way)
	- uname -a to make sure you're using the right kernel
	- lsmod to make sure all your power management modules are loaded

8. Install supporting software
	- apt-get install acpid (software that manages ACPI software)

I hope that helps. :)


Emma Jane Hogbin
[[ 416 417 2868 ][ www.xtrinsic.com ]]

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