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Re: anacron apm script

On Thursday 03 April 2003 05:13, mi wrote:
> Now there's a weakness, it seems.
> When the system boots up anacron checks if on mains power, and if not,
> exits (no daemon started). On the other hand /etc/crontab shows that cron
> runs only if no anacron is installed. So, while on battery, no cronjobs
> will be performed.
> But what now if you bootup on AC, and then plug off ?
> Or maybe the power-station goes down.
> I didn't look it up completely, but what I've seen is indicating that after
> booting there's no further testing performed.
> /etc/apm/event.d/anacron doesn't include the capability to kill cron
> /anacron; it only tries to start them up.

you misread the crontab.  cron is ALWAYS running.  when a scheduled job comes 
up the items in crontab first check if anacron exists.  if it does, cron 
assumes anacron will eventually take care of it and nothing happens.

Remember, cron is still the thing that handles schedules, it just passes the 
real work on to anacron.

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