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Re: Battery life recovery - Everyone suggesting battery full drains, *read this*

On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 23:55, yoda2 wrote:
> Regarding the removal off the battery when on AC, i was wondering if
> that's a good thing to do. I was told the battery "filters" the spikes
> from the powernet so the electronics of you laptop get a stable spike
> free current....
> So the "filter" story is nonsense?

That sounds dubious to me.

The motherboard of a computer is very sensitive to power fluctuations, while 
the process of charging a battery generally isn't.

One thing a battery is really good for is short power outages.  It's really 
funny when there's a brief power outage and all the desktop machines in the 
building reboot.  As soon as the switches are operating again (about 30 
seconds) I can continue working because my laptop has no problems!

I know of people who use old laptops as servers for this reason, a laptop has 
a UPS built in.

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