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Re: XF86Config-4 on TP 760EL

* David Woyciesjes <dwoyciesjes@comcast.net> [2003 Feb 03 13:51 -0600]:
> Nate Bargmann wrote:

> > The ED runs XFree 4.2.x flawlessly, but you'll have no sound support.

> 	Hmmm. Well, sounds does work on the EL, I can hear something playing
> when I blindly login to X...

I supppose I was less than clear in explaining the trade-offs between
the 760ED and the 760EL.  With the EL you will be limited to
800x600x8bpp (perhaps XFree 4.2.x can make 16bpp work, but I don't
know) and sound works well.  Meanwhile the 760ED will give you
1024x768x16bpp, but no sound as the MWave DSP is not supported in Linux.

> 	I assume the XF86COnfig and XF86Config-4 files have tghe same layout,
> right? I got a XF86Config file, that works on an EL (running RH 7.1). So
> I'll use thatas a starting point...

That depends...  Debian added the -4 suffix to allow an 3.x and a 4.x 
configuration to co-exist.  However, a file written for 3.x is not of 
a compatible format for 4.x and vice versa.  4.x in Debian will work 
with a version 4 formatted file named XF86Config or XF86Config-4.

- Nate >>

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