error: compiling kernel 2.4.21+patch on acer tm800 & woody
I'm trying to compile a kernel 2.4.21 on my mon acer tm800 (I'm going on
hollidays tomorow mornong, so I'm in a hurry to have a fully working
debian on it :-)
The compilation fails, but I don't know if this is because of gcc or the
patch I applied (debian-laptop archives confused me on this).
Summary of actions:
* downloaded 2.4.21 from, unzipped it in /usr/src, add
symlink linux -> 2.4.21
* patch applied: laptopkernel-2.4.21-rc8-laptop1.diff.bz2
(patch -p1 < laptopkernel-2.4.21-rc8-laptop1.diff
everything goes fine execpt for the line
of the Makefile I addded manually the value of the patch: rc8-laptop1)
* make menuconfig
* make-kpkg clean && make-kpkg -rev custom.acer.tm800lci.1 kernel_image
--> compile for about 30 seconds (scrolling fast), then error: (sorry
for typos)
gcc -D__KERNEL__ ... -march=pentium3 -DKBUILD_BASENAME=main -c -o
init/main.o /init/main.c
cc1: bad value (pentium3) for -march= switch
make[1]: *** [init/main.o] Error 1
make[1]: leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-2.4.21'
make: *** [stamp-build] Error 2
$ which gcc
$ ll /usr/bin/gcc
/usr/bin/gcc -> gcc-2.95
This is a woody, installed from the 1st CD (the only woody CD I have :-/)
$ uname -a
linux acer 2.4.18-bf2.4 #1 son apr 14 09:53:28 CEST 2002 i686 unknown
I tried with "pentium4" et "i586" (pentium classic) architectures,the
1st one stops at the same stage, the 2nd one on:
slab.c: in function 'kmem_cache_grow'
slab.c:1228: invalid lvalue in assignment
slab.c:1243: invalid lvalue in assignment
slab.c: in function '__kmem_cache_alloc'
slab.c:1421: invalid lvalue in assignment
slab.c:1438: invalid lvalue in assignment
make[3]: *** [slab.o] error 1
make[2]: leaving directory '/usr/src/linux-2.4.21/mm'
(etc. until make ends)
The network card isn't configured/working yet (it's in the kernel!), so
I'd to avoid downloading lots of .deb if this can be solved easily :-) .
Thanks for you help
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