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TuxMobil News 07/2003


editing the July digest of the TuxMobil News[1] I
was impressed by many good news for Linux PDA geeks. Here
is an extract of the monthly digest, but note there are
much more noteworthy issues, so do not miss to check
the whole digest[1].

|=| Though SHARP has decided not to bring their new Linux PDA
    generation to Europe[2], two companies TriSoft[3] and Xtops.DE[4] make
    the SHARP SL-C750 available on their own. The machines come
    with German or English documentation and bear the necessary
    CE certification to be sold in Europe legally.

|=| Thanks to the great work of Martin Demin from handhelds.org[5],
    it is now possible to run Linux on the DELL Axim PDA[6]. It currently
    only supports load from RAM (not ROM) which means
    you boot it from Windows, but it's a start.

|=| SkyEye is one of the first available simulators for ARM and other
    CPUs for embedded computers[7][8].

|=| InterPocket offers the first USB-Host-Adapter CF-Card for Linux PDAs[9],
    which makes it possible to use external USB devices.
    InHandElectronics released the VCE-B5A01 PCMCIA framegrabber driver[10],
    to facilitate the development of embedded and handheld devices with real-time
    video support.

|=| The Open Palm Integrated Environment finished the 1.0rc pre-release
    for the Zaurus[11] and the iPAQ[12]. The Familiar Linux Distribution for PDAs
    published release 0.7[13].

|=| Some good news for laptop users, too. Finally a battery refurbishment tool
    for Linux is available (for older laptops only, requires special hardware)[14].


    [1] http://tuxmobil.org/mobile_news_2003_07.html
    [2] http://www.zaurus.de/PDA-News/currentNews/news_20030708103028/
    [3] http://trisoft.de
    [4] http://xtops.de/xtops_pda_sharp.html
    [5] http://handhelds.org
    [6] http://www.lerhaupt.com/linux.html#axim
    [7] http://hpclab.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/~skyeye/eng/index.html
    [8] http://tuxmobil.org/cpu_arm.html
    [9] http://www.interpocket.co.uk/
    [10] http://www.inhandelectronics.com/opensource.asp
    [11] http://opie.handhelds.org/feed/openzaurus/1.0rc/
    [12] http://opie.handhelds.org/feed/ipaq/1.0rc/
    [13] http://familiar.handhelds.org/releases/
    [14] http://tuxmobil.org/mobile_battery.html

You may find the daily RSS/XML channel, the archiv and
a news submission form at http://tuxmobil.org/newsfeed.html
|=| Werner Heuser = Keplerstr. 11A = D-10589 Berlin = Germany
|=| <wehe at tuxmobil.org>     T. 0049 - (0)30 - 349 53 86
|=| http://TuxMobil.org        UniX on Mobile Systems: HOWTOs,Software
|*| This is no time for phony rhetoric -- Lou Reed

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