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Potato on a Zenith Z-Note 433 Lpn+

Machine:   Zenith Z-Note 433 Lpn+
Memory:    8 Meg
Disk:      200 Meg
Processor: 386 SX 25
Network:   AUI Port
Display:   Color

I have an old (and old is an understatement) laptop
that I have been trying to get some flavor of linux
loaded and using the AUI port.  I started off with 
Slackware 4.0 and I rebuilt the kernel to include the
znet driver.  When I went to access the AUI port the
kernel would "Oops" and panic.  So I chatted with some
nice folks on #linuxbeginner and they suggested that I
try potato or woody.  Well woody requires 12 Meg of
memory (which I did not have), so I loaded potato.

Now when the base install boots it load the 3c59x
built in driver and I see the AUI/10BaseT converter
light up and my router lights up, but when I do an 
ifconfig -a all I see is the loopback.  

So do I need to rebuild the kernel to get it to load
the znet.c driver?  Is there another driver that is
available (as a module) in potato that I could use?

Anyone have any ideas?  Thanks for your time.

Heath C Bair

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