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Re: vmlinuz too big

I'm sorry i sent this mail to the ML.
it was suposed to go to user-portuguese ML , ups :)

i think i know what my problem was.
i was copying bzImage from the kernel source ... ups, again...
these kind of happen to newbies....
but i wont be one forever... i hope...;)

Joel Alexandre

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Aritz Beraza Garayalde wrote:

> ----------->Spanish version follows
> I'm sorry i cant' answer ypu in portugeese/brazilian (was it?), but i'll
> give you an answer:
> to install a kernel using the traditional way:
> make menuconfig to configure the kernel
> make dep clean
> make bzlilo (this is like make bzImage but after finishing it moves the
> image to boot etc etc)
> after that you must compile the modules (make modules modules-install)
> your kernel was to big because probably you compiled all in the kernel
> instead of using modules.
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2003 at 02:58:21PM +0000, Joel Alexandre wrote:
> > Ola de novo,
> >
> > estou a compilar o kernel.
> > Como estive  a utilzar a forma "automatica" do debian, mas nao me estava a
> > entender com aquilo pois nao percebia o lilo.conf apos a instalacao de um
> > novo kernel.
> >
> > Portanto virei-me para a maneira tradicional.
> > fui buscar a versao 2.4.20 a kernel.org e pus o patch de acpi.
> > make menuconfig
> > make dep
> > make bzImage
> >
> > so que a imagem da minha primeira tentatica era de 6Mb!!(utilizei o
> > .config da versao de intalacao -config-2.2.20-idpci)
> > mas o vmlinuz-2.2.20-idepci tem apenas 600kb!!
> >
> it makes heavy use of modules
> > Como e que o make-kpkg faz imagens tao pequenas?
> >
> make-kpkg mkes the same size images as make bzImage (its a "script" to
> automatize kernel building)
> I recommend you to use debian way:
> go to /usr/src/linux (or whatever directory with the kernel source)
> make menuconfig to configure your custom kernel
> make-kpkg --revision=custom.x.y kernel-image (or kenel_image)
> it will take some time and then you'll have a package in /usr/src
> called kernel-image-2.4.20-custom.x.y.deb, install it with dpkg -i
> kernel....deb.
> change x.y with something like 1.0 (the version)
> you need to be root to use make-kpkg or use fakeroot.
> Spanish:
> Por si entiendes mejor el castellano que el ingles:
> para comiplar el kernel a la manera tradicional:
> make menuconfig (configurar el kernel)
> make dep clean
> make bzlilo (o bzImage, bzlilo hace lo mismo pero luego mueve el kernel a
> /boot y actualiza el lilo)
> luego compilar los modulos:
> make modules modules-install (o modules_install)
> Si te salian las imagenes tan grandes es por que en lugar de compilar como
> modulos lo compilas dentro del kernel. El kernel ha de ser menos de 1,4
> megas creo.
> Compila lo necesario en el kernel y lo opcional (sonido, cdrom, usb,
> ethernet, video ...) como modulos.
> De todas formas te recomiendo que uses la forma Debian
> ve a /usr/src/linux (o el directorio con las fuentes del kernel)
> make menuconfig (configuralo)
> make-kpkg --revision=custom.x.y kernel-image
>  esto creará un paquete en /usr/src llamado:
> kernel-image-2.4.20-custom.x.y.deb
> instalalo con dpkg -i kernel-image-------.deb
> y ya está!
> cambia x.y por la versión: ejemplo 1.0 o 1.1 o 2.0 lo que quieras
> Espero que te sirva
> Aritz Beraza
> --
> Aritz Beraza Garayalde         [aritz.beraza@estudiant.upc.es]
> Linux User 272970              [http://www.upcnet.es/~abg]
> ************ 110011 TThhiinnggss YYoouu DDoo NNoott WWaanntt YYoouurr SSyysstteemm AAddmmiinniissttrraattoorr TToo SSaayy ************
> 37. Do you really need your home directory to do any work?

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