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Re: Wireless setup


On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 11:25:06PM -0700, Bill Moseley wrote:
> But the *big* problem now is speed.  Downloading on my wired lan (on my
> DSL) I get about 80K/second, but the wireless card downloading the same
> file gets only about 10K/second.  I can't see any problems.
> Syslog/messages doesn't show anything odd, and iwconfig and ifconfig look
> reasonable, AFAIK.
> Any ideas?  Rebooting into Windows and the card downloads at my DSL speed
> limit.  I'm only a foot from the access point.  And when it's downloading
> over the wireless my ssh connections into the laptop from my linux desktop
> can hardly squeeze in a packet.
> laptop:/var/log# iwconfig
> eth1      IEEE 802.11-DS  ESSID:"WLAN"  Nickname:"Prism  I"

Sorry I missed your previous messages but what version of orinoco driver
that you use? From kernel tree or pcmcia-cs tree? It seems that the driver
did not recognized your card as Prism II (but only as Prism I).
Only the latest driver 0.11b (available in the lates pcmcia-cs and
2.4.19-pre kernels) works reasonably well with your card.
But again, linux-wlan-ng gives consistently better performance anyway.

Alex Y.
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