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Those of you who got bored with my longish session that ranted on 
about not being able to get Irda working with Debian GNU/Linux might 
like to know that I have solved my problem.  How did I do that ?

Well, I just got hold of a Motorola V66e mobile phone which has 
tri-band networks and GPRS built into it.  On the bottom of the phone 
is a socket.  You can plug a Motorola cable into it.   On the other 
end of that cable there is a USB plug.  

Under /etc/wvdial.conf I have found that the phone is detected at 
/dev/ttyACM0.   So, that's solved that one completely.

Published here so that people who are out there who might be confused 
about mobile Linux on the laptop and PDA can at least have a clue 
where to start.

Thank you



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