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Re: Resume fails on Tosh-4080XCDT

Heather <star@betelgeuse.starshine.org> writes:

> You might also want to cut yourself a 2.4.6 kernel (now that it's out)
> or with Alan Cox' latest patches (2.4.5 had ac24 - but he has an ac1 for
> pre6 up at the moment)...
> ..they have been doing a lot of repairs to USB and ACPI code. 

I know. The possibilities for testing things seem to be so many and
that is exactly what made me write my original article on this list
where I am basically looking for someone using this machine without
this resume issue.

Believe me, I tested already so many scenarios that I finally can't
exactly remember anymore what I did test and what not. I own this
machine for 6 months now and since then I am struggling and need to
get used to shutdown the beast just to move it a mile ;-(


He knew the tavernes well in every toun.
		-- Geoffrey Chaucer

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