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Re: Mac Laptop with Linux


On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 01:22:24PM +0100, eppesuigoccas@iol.it wrote:
> I head that the Mac Laptop have the battery.
> I need a laptop with at least 4 hour autonomy, so I am asking
> if someone has such a laptop and use it with Linux (potato or woody.)
Take a look at the Dell Inspiron range.  I am now on my second Dell
laptop (Inspiron 7500)  Potato install just fine.

When you order add in the option of a second battery.  I get about 3.5
hours out of the main one, but this will shorten over time.  With a
second battery you double the autonomy time.  If your really what 
autonomy buy multiple second abatteries  - these are discharged first
so one your first second battery is dead you can replace it with the
second second battery (not need to power down - or even enter power
saving mode).

   :-) If you understand that please explain it to me :-)

     _       _     _
  __| | ___ | |__ | |__   ___
 / _  |/ _ \|  _ \|  _ \ / _ \   steve@dobson.org
| (_| | (_) | |_) | (_) | (_) |  dobbo@debian.org
 \____|\___/|____/ \___/ \___/   steve.dobson@krasnegar.demon.co.uk

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