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problem of XFree4.0 and apm [WAS: strange melting screen when X starts]

Since experimental XFree 4.0.1 deb is out, check x-strikeforce page. I just
put it on my laptop which use trident cyber 9525dvd and have it run fine,

The only problem I experienced is when I do apm stuffs wither suspend or 
standby then resume back, X would freeze up the whole machine, only power
cycle can help, huh :(. 

That was in my main partition, what a bravery to put experimental X in my 
main laptop. It was down graded back to 3.3.6. But, ANW, I want to give
Xfree 4 a try so I put it in minimal chroot environment.

This time, when resume from apm, X is still working but the window manager,
fvwm in this case, would not response to any mouse click, but it does
response to mouse movement and I can kill X.

BTW, DPMS option was already turned on.

Has anyone has an experient with XFree 4 and apm stuff?


 #Chanop Silpa-Anan                               #
 #gpg @ http://kenji.anu.edu.au/~chanop/chanop.asc#

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