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Re: XFree86 4.0.1 and keyboard mappings

>>>>> "Calum" == Calum Mackay <calum.mackay@uk.sun.com> writes:

    Calum> Yes, that worked perfectly.

    Calum> Apologies for my ignorance; for some reason I expected the
    Calum> XF86Config man page to list these as "possible" options, and when it
    Calum> didn't, I just assumed that they weren't supposed to be in this
    Calum> file.

I never did like the X documentation.  XF86 4 documentation seems to have
gotten a bit worse.  Probably because they overhauled the server structure and
haven't finished writing it yet.

You don't have to apologize for your ignorance.  The problem is with the
documentation, and not with you.  In fact, looking over the files, I'm not sure
how *I* figured out how to do that in the first place (I use the dvorak layout
instead of the normal us layout).

(After reading "The Design of Everyday Things", I now have an internal alarm
that goes off any time someone says something like "sorry for my ignorance" or
"I can never figure these things out", because often the cause of the problem
is some external factor - bad design, bad documentation, etc. - rather than the
person him/herself.)


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