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Re: 2 pinters on one compu (freazing jobs on queue)

> dear debian users,
> I want to use this for 2 reasons;
> 1. I neet to throw over a swithce for the 2nd printer to be able to be
> used
> 2. I want to queue jobs on my laptop so that when I get home they get
> printed wthout me having to think about it again.
> So, is it possible to let lpd frease a job on the printer-spool intul a
> command is given after which it will print 1 or all jobs on that
> particular spool?
> thanx,


Lpd already properly deals with the situation of the printer not being 
there at all. 

So, it ought to work reasonably well if you have a 4-switch rather than
a 2-switch, and normally keep it switched to a port that has not got the
printer on it.

	(printer1)   (blank to stay at)   (printer2)    (unused)

3 would do fine, but I've never seen a 3-parallel switch box.

I really don't know of a command that would normally split things off
of a queue for pending. But, you could probably create a dummy queue,
and create a script that would take the control files and move them into
the active queue on demand when you really want.  Detecting which printer
is live is waaaaaaaaay beyond the scope here;  I'm not even sure it's

* Heather * star@ many places...

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